Step 4. Before the monthly trial expires, you need to cancel your Netflix account, or else, you will be charged for a monthly plan. While signing up, use the new email account and the details of the prepaid credit card. Step 3. Now, go to Netflix and sign up for the monthly trial. Kenyan Bar Association, How to Join, Requirements & Functions.Top 5 Best Rehabilitation Centers in Nairobi Contact & Cost.How to Apply Online for AGPO Certificate.What is a Receivership? – Types, Liquidation & Receivership Duration.So, get a prepaid credit card and you can use it to run errands later. Step 2. You need to enter new credit card details every time you sign up for the trial version but, you won’t be charged anything till you have got the trial version.

If you already have an email account then, proceed to the next step. Step 1. Make a new email account if you don’t have one and record it so that you can look it up in case you forget the email ID or the password you can make this account on Gmail or any other site.